How to avoid fire in the home
By following some simple steps you can save your home and your family from a damaging or fatal house fire.
Queensland smoke alarm regulations came into being in 2011 as a result of a fatal Slacks Creek fire where 11 people from one family died. Tragedies like this can be avoided with some simple steps.
Be aware of fire hot spots
Most house fires start in the kitchen, and 9 times out 10 they are the result of cooking being left unattended. By being aware of your surroundings and keeping the kitchen clear of potential causes of fire you will ensure the safety of your home. Keep in mind there are many dangerous and flammable substances and material in the kitchen.
- Never leave cooking unattended. Stay in the kitchen while cooking and turn off the stove before you leave.
- Don't put anything metallic in the microwave and always double-check the timer.
- Aerosols, cleaning agents and cooking oils should be stored away from heat
- Avoid cooking under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Keep loose clothing, fabrics, tea towels, curtains and flammable items away from the stove.
- Turn pot handles inwards. Pot handles hanging over the edge of the stove can be easily knocked or grabbed by children.
- Keep your oven, rangehood and grill clean and in good working order. A build-up of grease and fat can ignite in a fire.
Other common areas where fires start are the bedroom and the lounge room.
Fix or get rid of malfunctioning electrical equipment
A whopping 40% of house fires are caused by electrical malfunctions. These are more likely to occur in the cooler months when heaters or electric blankets are used for the first time in a long time.
Overloaded electrical circuits and misuse or “fixing” of electrical equipment are also common causes of fire. If you are experiencing electric shocks in the home or flickering lights it may mean you have a potential electrical fault. Contact Glenn at South East Electrical before it becomes a fire and safety risk. And don’t do your own handy work on electrical appliances.
- Don’t overload powerpoints and powerboards
- Regularly check electrical leads for damage
- Never use faulty electrical leads or appliances
- Roll your electric blanket – don’t fold
- Provide adequate ventilation around all electrical equipment to avoid excessive heat build up.
- Never run extension cords under carpets or rugs. Localised heating may cause a short circuit that could result in fire.
Keep cigarettes and candles under control
Many fires start in the home as a result of cigarette smoking and unattended candles. It is also important to keep matches and lighters out of reach from children. Many children are hospitalised with burns as a result of playing with easily available matches, candles or lighters.
- Keep candles well away from curtains and always put candles out when you leave the room.
- Do not smoke in bed it’s easy to fall asleep and have the cigarette catch the bedding or nightwear alight.
- If placing a cigarette butt directly into a bin or other container, ensure it has been completely extinguished first.
- Empty ashtrays into outside bins.
Install smoke alarms
Statistics show that you are twice as likely to die in a house fire if you don’t have a smoke alarm.
On average in Australia 51 people a year die from preventable house fires. In almost all cases there was no smoke alarm installed. Every home owners priority is to have a working smoke alarm and every land lord should ensure they have them installed in their rental properties as there is no doubt that working smoke alarms save lives.
Photoelectric Interconnected Smoke Alarms
Photoelectric interconnected smoke alarms are so much better than the previous alarms that they’ve now become mandatory. Read this article about the difference between photovoltaic and ionisation smoke alarms.
See Our Electrical Services For Home Renovators and Property Maintenance
Are you a property owner or manager? You may be interested in other services that compliment out smoke alarm installations. We’ve compiled some helpful pages for you that collate our relevant services.