Gold Coast Electrician For Electrical Safety
Maybe your switches crackle when they are turned on and off?
Do your fuses blow or circuit breakers trip?
Do you have switches that are cracked or broken?
Don't Ignore The Warning Signs Of Electrical Safety
Accidents happen because the warning signs are ignored.
The most common electrical risks and causes of injury are:
- electric shock causing injury or death
- arcing, explosion or fire causing burns
- toxic gases resulting from electrical faults
When You Should Get An Electrical Safety Audit:
- circuits are tripping, which indicates overload or leakage
- Your house is wiring older that 20 years
- Anything indicative of DIY electrical work, such as inconsistent wiring
- You have any reason for concern about your electricals
What Is Included In Our Electrical Safety Audit:
We’ll thoroughly inspect and test all elements of your electrical network. From the switchboard to wiring of house, our team tests each element to ensure safety. Using a combination of our many years experience and technology, we can test each element of your home’s electrical system to ensure it is compliant.
Business owners and managers must manage risks to health and safety associated with electrical risks at the workplace by:
- identifying electrical risks
- minimize the risks
- maintain a safe work environment
If you’re a business owner or manager and you have concerns about managing electrical safety please contact South East Electrical. Firstly, trust your home only to licensed electricians and never do your own home electrical work.
Ensure you have safety switches installed on each circuit in your home, as the video below explains.
Ensure all electrical equipment and devices are functioning properly.
Do not ignore the warning signs listed above.
For an audit of your home electrical safety, or to address any particular concerns you have, please contact South East Electrical.